by Brittany Gail Thomas (BGT), Esq.
Founder & CEO, The Color of Excellence®️
Founding Consultant, BGT, Esq. Consulting, LLC©️

I don’t know what to say.
What else are we supposed to say.
Another life snuffed from Earth.
Another human treated inhumanely.
Another Black person killed by the police.
Another Black woman who had the weight of the world on her shoulders and the evilness of this world so easily took her from her family.

So what are we supposed to say?
We speak and our voices are ignored.
Silenced by microaggressions.
Oppressed by racism.
Minimized by internet trolls who claim that all we do is cry about race.
Yet, we perservere despite it.

Meanwhile, white supremacy continues to run amock.
DEI is on the chopping block
and qualified immunity has been placed on a pedastal.
All the while, there goes the life and legacy of Sonya Massey.
She deserved to not instinctively fear the police.
She deserved to be served and protected by those who took an oath to do so.
She deserved to not risk her life and liberty just to feel safe in her own home.
She deserves justice.
She deserves to still be here.

We won’t forget her sacrifice.
We won’t forget this injustice.
We won’t stop saying her name.

So even we feel like we have nothing else to say,
we will continue to say her name -
Sonya Massey.

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